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Guided Tour of Odense City HallExperience one of the most beautiful buildings in Odense from the inside, which means the City Hall of Odense, situated beautifully opposite the cathedral. During the tour I will introduce you to rooms which are usually not open to the public. When you experience the building from the inside you will see impressive architechture from the past as well as today and a perfect match of colours. You will see a magnificent painting Fynsk Forår, Spring of Funen, by Yann Kai Nielsen, the wedding room and the memory wall with good stories from the past and the present. The city counsel room and an anteroom with portraits of previous mayors by some of the best painters in Denmark are also on our list.
FromDKK 100
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About Guideservice Danmark

Guide Service Denmark - your guide to great guides!

Guide Service Denmark provides guided tours all over Denmark. Our dedicated storytellers bring culture, history, nature and stories to life. Experience Denmark with your local guide - anywhere in Denmark.

You'll get so much more out of your trip to Denmark by letting a local guide guide you. The local guide will open your eyes to what you don't know you want to see and the guide can tell the story locally, so you don't have to spend time researching details yourself. Those who know the local area best are the local guides who live there. We'd like to invite you to take advantage of this on your next tour in Denmark.